I like the concept of feature modules since it usually nicely
encapsulates things. So let’s say we have a PrivacyModule
that contains a component PrivacyStatementComponent
and a
. When going to the privacy page I’d
want to lazily load the privacy module since it’s not needed everywhere.
But when I then also want to use the
in another place (e.g. on the
) I cannot just import PrivacyModule
in the SignupModule
since it has attached to it the
Here’s an example of the problem: https://stackblitz.com/edit/reuse-lazy-loading-fail .
So what can you do to solve this problem?
It is not directly possible to reuse components from
lazy loaded modules that are used with
. By simply moving those
components to another module which is not directly used for routing you
can solve the problem. Here are two flavours of how to structure
Option 1: SharedModule
An often suggested option is to move components that are reused by
different modules to a so called SharedModule
. This shared
module is then usually imported in all feature modules.
Option 2: Make a dedicated module for routing
If you want to preserve the “feature scoping” and not just stuff everything into a shared module, you can make two modules: One that does the routing and a second one that exports the reusable components.
PrivacyRoutingModule # Does the lazy loading for `/privacy`
PrivacyModule # Exports the PrivacyStatementComponent so it can be reused
Working example: https://stackblitz.com/edit/reuse-lazy-loading-success
On the plus side you won’t have an ever-growing
, on the other hand you’ll start introducing
quite a few modules if you always have 2 modules for every lazy loaded
While you cannot reuse components from a module that includes a
, you can always resort to
just moving those components into their own module. There are different
possibilities to structure those non-routing modules, we’ve covered the
and more feature oriented modules here.